UnicumBact bioorganic fertilizer application rates


• by means of unique microflora and a full complex of microcells provides high-grade food of plants;

• activates the potential of cereals, increasing yields, even when grown on poor soils;

• increases immunity against stressful situations (cold spring, frost, drought);

• inhibits the development of smut, leaf rust, powdery mildew, stem and root rot, septoria

• at foliar feeding compensates for the lack of nutrients caused by weather and climatic conditions, soil and chemical factors;

• activates biological activity, causes intensive growth and development;

• increases the number of grains in the ear, the number of cobs on corn and improves the quality of grain

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with bioorganic
fertilizer "UnicumBactSeed"

When preparing the working solution add liquid fertilizer "UnicumBactSeed" based on the ratio of 1 liter. fertilizers of 10-15 liters. water and adhesive for 1 ton of seeds. Possible joint use with disinfectants. Treated seeds should be dried or sown immediately after processing.

Pre-planting application in the soil 4-4,5 l / ha

Foliar spraying

Culture Growth and development phase Fertilizer consumption rate The effect of fertilizer
  Pre-sowing seed treatment 1 l / t (UnicumBact Seed) Accelerates and increases germination
Winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter rye Tillering phase 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Stimulation of root formation, development of shoots and leaf apparatus
Exhaust phase 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Enhancement of photosynthesis, leaf formation
Milk-wax ripeness phase 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Improving grain quality
Corn 3-4 leaves 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Stimulation of the formation of generative organs as the basis of high yields
5-7 leaves 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Increasing the number and quality of grains in the cobs

See the rates of application of bioorganic fertilizers
"UnicumBact" for other crops

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