UnicumBact bioorganic fertilizer application rates


  • by means of unique microflora and a full complex of microcells provides high-grade food of plants;
  • activates the potential of legumes, increasing yields, even when grown on poor soils;
  • increases immunity against stressful situations (cold spring, frost, drought);
  • inhibits the development of fusarium wilt, rust spots, powdery mildew, pink mold;
  • at foliar feeding compensates for the lack of nutrients caused by weather and climatic conditions, soil and chemical factors;
  • activates biological activity, causes intensive growth and development;
  • increases nitrogen fixation, heat and drought resistance of legumes, the amount of protein in the grain.

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with bioorganic
fertilizer "UnicumBactSeed"

When preparing the working solution add liquid fertilizer "UnicumBactSeed" based on the ratio of 1 liter. fertilizers per 10-15 liters. water and adhesive for 1 ton of seeds. Possible joint use with disinfectants. Treated seeds should be dried or sown immediately after processing.

Pre-planting application in the soil 4-4,5 l / ha

Foliar spraying

Culture Growth and development phase Fertilizer consumption rate The effect of fertilizer
  Pre-sowing seed treatment 1 l / t (UnicumBact Seed) Accelerates and increases germination
Soybeans, peas Phase 1 - 2 trifoliate 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Stimulation of root formation, development of shoots and leaf apparatus, intensification of the process of photosynthesis, removal of plants from stress from the use of herbicides
Phase of three shamrocks 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Stimulation of rooting, development of shoulder straps and leaf apparatus, intensification of the process of photosynthesis, removal of plants from the stressful state of herbicide use
Phase 4 - 5 trifoliate 2-2.5 l / ha (UnicumBact) Stimulation of rooting, development of shoulder straps and leaf apparatus, intensification of the process of photosynthesis, removal of plants from the stressful state of herbicide use

See the rates of application of bioorganic fertilizers
"UnicumBact" for other crops

Cereals > Oilseeds > Fruits and Berries >Vegetables >